Tablet found at Haghia Triada, Crete, inscribed with symbols in Linear A. This undeciphered orthography was used by the Minoans, a people whom the ancient Egyptians depicted as resembling themselves and the Puntites. The script appears to match rather closely with the old writing system of northern Somalia. Note in particular the tablet's three open circles and Chinese-like ideograms, which are akin to the symbols Georges Révoil discovered (see El-Osbolé signs above) (University of Melbourne).

Tablet found at Haghia Triada, Crete, inscribed with symbols in Linear A. This undeciphered orthography was used by the Minoans, a people whom the ancient Egyptians depicted as resembling themselves and the Puntites. The script appears to match rather closely with the old writing system of northern Somalia. Note in particular the tablet’s three open circles and Chinese-like ideograms, which are akin to the symbols Georges Révoil discovered (see El-Osbolé signs above) (University of Melbourne).

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